4th of july committee
The 4th of July in Glenview is not to be missed!

about the committee
Did you know that the 4th of July celebration is funded by donations from residents like you? A volunteer committee made up of local residents and business leader’s works year round to secure the thousands of dollars that provide our community this great event. Want to get more involved in the community and help support this event? Click here for more information.
We are very fortunate to have the support of a dedicated group of citizen volunteers who make up the Glenview July 4th Committee. This group works throughout the year to raise the thousands of dollars needed to support this event. Without this group, there would be no celebration in our community.
- Craig Solomon, Committee Chair
- Connie Branstrom
- Kevin Christell
- Chuck Gitles
- Lisa Hanneman
- Meghan Kearney
- Rebeca Lamadrid-Quevedo
- Kay Laurie
- Michael Lee
- George Nellamattathil
- Kara Owens
- Frank Sclavenitis

In order to maintain our outstanding celebrations, volunteers work tirelessly to raise critical funds from businesses and residents. This year, over 18,000 households will benefit from the festivities, but only 2% contributed with a donation. Can we count on you to join our dedicated team and support this beloved tradition by making a contribution? Every donation, no matter the amount, is greatly appreciated. Donate now https://webtrrac.glenviewparks.org/WEB/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/donation.html