
2400 Compass Rd.
Glenview, IL 60026



contact hours

Tyner Center: Open Sa 10 am-2 pm year round. | Su 10am-2pm mid Aug-Oct, May-mid Jun. | Tu, Th, Su 10am-2pm mid Jun-mid Aug.


Step back… hundreds of years to experience northern Illinois in pre-settlement times at the Kent Fuller Air Station Prairie.

Kent Fuller Air Station Prairie is a 32-acre remnant of a tall-grass prairie that once stretched for millions of acres across North America. Originally restored by the Village of Glenview, this preserved land allows visitors to gain a peek into the facility’s cutting edge “green” technologies and how our Earth’s ecosystem truly works.

The Evelyn Pease Tyner Interpretive Center is a unique facility located on the prairie that promotes and teaches the benefits of sustainable living. With the inclusion of environmentally-sound design attributes and use of sustainable building techniques, the Tyner Center is recognized by the United States Green Building Council as a LEED Platinum building — one of the first to achieve this rating in this area. The Tyner Center showcases how easy it is to be “green” and gives visitors the opportunity to learn how these progressive technologies can be incorporated into daily life. 

At the Kent Fuller Air Station Prairie, you can:

  • View rare native vegetation close-up and find over 160 plant species via walking paths 
  • Look for Red-Tailed Hawks circling in the sky 
  • Discover the many “crayfish” that make their home on the prairie
  • Learn about the history of the Kent Fuller Air Station Prairie and how it got its name
  • See the rooftop vegetable garden at the Interpretive Center and understand why the building is “green”
  • Learn what you can do to help our environment

school and educational programs

A breathtaking sight of nature’s most valuable forces at work, the vast tallgrass prairies that once covered 170 million acres of our country still exist in Glenview.

school programs

During this time of remote learning we are pleased to bring experiential learning opportunities directly to you and your students through live and interactive virtual field trips.

learn more

group programs

Geocaching and passive recreation visits to the prairie trail are encouraged! Please contact The Grove at 847-299-6096 to inquire about group programs.

who was Evelyn Pease Tyner?

Born in Evansville, Indiana, Evelyn Tyner has dedicated her life to science, environmental conservation, and community activism. She received her Ph.D. in Biological Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and in 1963, Evelyn and several colleagues saved a small, but rare plot of virgin prairie along Milwaukee Avenue in Glenview. Today, that land is known as the James B. Woodworth Prairie Preserve. 

Several years later, Evelyn and other Glenview residents became known as the “Frog and Fern Ladies.” Together, they also succeeded in saving The Grove, a part of the Glenview Park District. Her most recent accomplishment was helping to establish the 32-acre Kent Fuller Air Station Prairie in Glenview, on which sits the Evelyn Pease Tyner Interpretive Center. We are grateful for all that Evelyn has done to preserve the open space in Glenview, and all she has done to promote environmental awareness throughout her career.

Kent Fuller Air Station Prairie / Tyner Center

Judy Picicco

Environmental Education Supervisor; Education Supervisor at The Grove

224 521 2105