Park Center’s Indoor Track

Enjoy a walk or run on Park Center’s one-eighth mile indoor walking and running track!

Your Track Visit


Access to the indoor track is free for all residents (with proof of residency) and Park Center Health and Fitness members. Nonresidents need to purchase a track pass (scroll down for track pass pricing). Swipe your park district ID card for entry to the track. If you do not already have a track pass, please stop by the fitness center desk where a staff member will be able to assist. For any questions about the track please call the fitness desk at 847-657-3249.

Fitness Center & Track Hours:

M – F: 5 a.m.-8 p.m.

Sa: 7 a.m.-4 p.m.

Su: 7 a.m.-4 p.m.

Our COVID Safety Protocols

  • Masks are recommended, but not required.
  • Bring your own water bottle and towel.
  • Staff are frequently disinfecting common touch points.
  • Hand sanitizing stations will be available at the track entrance and exit.
  • Learn what we are doing to help keep you safe when you visit. Click here to watch the video.

nonresident indoor track passes

track fees

Type Fees

10 Punch Track Pass


6 Month Track Pass


Annual Track Pass


10 Punch Track Pass

Fees $30

6 Month Track Pass

Fees $65

Annual Track Pass

Fees $100

For your comfort and safety and the comfort and safety of others, here are the indoor track “Rules of the Road:”

  1. Track users under the age of 11 must be directly supervised by an adult.
  2. More than two people side-by-side in a lane is not allowed.
  3. Organized groups and/or teams are not allowed without prior permission.
  4. Street shoes, boots and bare feet are not allowed on track.
  5. Please refrain from wearing cologne or perfume.
  6. Look in both directions when entering and exiting.
  7. Change lanes with caution.
  8. Obey the posted lane directional guidelines.
  9. Spectators are not allowed.
  10. Absolutely no spitting.
  11. In-line skates, strollers or skateboards are not allowed.

Thank you for your cooperation!

outdoor walking paths

Walking has become this country’s most popular form of exercise. In Glenview we are fortunate to have a number of paths to help you to get out there and get going.

Take a walk . . .

Walking has become this country’s most popular form of exercise. In Glenview we are fortunate to have a number of paths to help you to get out there and get going. The following parks have paved walking trails for your enjoyment. Click on park names below to find out more about where to walk in Glenview:

Dog Friendly Areas

Leashed dogs can be walked on paved pathways and parking lots at Cunliff, Diederich, Sleepy Hollow, Ladendorf, Rugen, Countryside Lane, Flick, Indian Trail, and Hawthorne Glen Parks and on the perimeter sidewalks (only) at Roosevelt Park, Swenson Park, Thomas J. Richardson Park and Community Park West. Dog walking is still prohibited on sports fields, playground areas, tennis courts, basketball courts, tot lots and all other park areas. Warning: The Glenview Police are authorized to enforce these regulations and a violation could result in a ticket.

In June 2009, the Glenview Park District opened its first dog park, Community Bark West, 1001 Zenith Drive. The dog park is open to residents and nonresidents who purchase a dog park membership. For more information, click here.

The Forest Preserve of Cook County provides a play area for unleashed dogs. Click here to visit their website for more information.

General Park Rules

  • Park hours are from dawn to dusk, unless posted otherwise.
  • Use of alcohol and drugs is not permitted.
  • Motorized vehicles are prohibited from pathways.

Pathway Rules

  • Walk, run, skate and bike on the right.
  • Walk, run, skate or ride single file when path is in heavy use.
  • Warn others before passing path users.
  • Speed limit for bikers and skaters is 8 MPH. No speed training or racing permitted.
  • Bikes are required to have a reflector and light for evening use of the path.
  • All path users are expected to wear light clothing and reflective gear after dark.
  • Bikers and skaters must yield to walkers.
  • Obey all posted signs.

Pathway Safety Tips

  • Bikers and skaters should wear helmets and other protective gear.
  • Be aware of the other users on the path and that individuals may be passing you.
  • Be courteous of other users.