GPF donates to Youth Svcs, Northfield Township Food Pantry & Leisureship Fund
GLENVIEW, Il: The Glenview Park Foundation has committed to providing $55,000 to help community members impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Glenview Park Foundation has contributed $2,500 each to Youth Services and to the Northfield Township Food Pantry and has committed up to $50,000 to support the Leisureship Fund at the Glenview Park District.
The Leisureship Fund is allocated in partnership with Youth Services, and provides recreational scholarships to Glenview families with financial need. The Foundation believes that all children in Glenview should have the opportunity to enjoy recreation programs, and has supported the fund in past years with an annual donation of $10,000.
The Foundation is working closely with the Glenview Park District to create new recreational opportunities that are safe and adhere to the physical distancing guidelines, but still provide a wide range of “in the box” recreational activities for families with limited means. Activities under discussion include “soccer in a box” (within the box could include a soccer ball and a link to a virtual coach to work on drills). Other activities could include how instructional activities for photography, growing food, camping in the back yard.
“These are extraordinary times,” says Omar Daghestani, President of the Foundation. “With the pandemic, we have had to rethink our support, which is typically provided to brick and mortar projects. But our purpose, above all, is to serve the community, and this is the time to help those most affected by the pandemic.”
The Glenview Park Foundation board voted with strong support during their virtual meeting on May 20, 2020 to make these donations. The Glenview Park Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, was founded in 1996 to benefit Glenview by providing financial assistance to enhance the parks, museums, and recreational opportunities in the community.
Over the last 25 years, the Park Foundation has worked together with the Glenview Park District on projects with the Northern Suburban Special Recreation Association and Northern Suburban Special Recreation Foundation; funding for the Wagner Farm Visitors Center; The Jackman Park rebuild; the Grove renovation; and the award-winning Synnestvedt Arboretum.
Jim Warnstedt, superintendent of park & facility services for the Glenview Park District, and treasurer of the Foundation board. “The foundation has always been supportive of new ideas to support the park district and enhance our residents’ experiences at our parks and facilities. They have done an incredible job in shifting focus to find new ways to support our community during these difficult times.”
While the park district is beginning to offer camps and other in-person recreation opportunities, a recent survey showed that about half of Glenview residents plan to wait a few months before joining in-person activities. “Support for virtual programs or programs ‘in-a-box’ is helping us to reach all the residents who still feel safer at home right now,” said Warnstedt.
The Glenview Park Foundation’s main fundraising activities include the Glenview Firecracker Classic,held annually at the premier golf setting, the Glen Club, and the 3v3 Youth Soccer event held at Gallery Park. Both events are usually held on the 3rd week in June but were canceled this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you wish to volunteer, offer thoughts for an “in the box” activity or ‘give the gift of recreation’ by making a donation, please contact a board member found on our home page